Crainer crundee craft house on volcano
Crainer crundee craft house on volcano

crainer crundee craft house on volcano

It took AGES." I laughed and stood up, helping Crainer up too. "Crainer, how the Nether did you-?" "Don't even ask. "So Crainer, what is this amazing thing you wanna do?" He pointed up into the sky and I looked up, smiling. He rolled off my back and lay on the ground, breathless from laughter. "Uh, Crainer? Where'd you go?" "HAHA!" I yelped as he leapt on me from behind and I hit the ground on my hands on knees with an oof. "Follow me Derp!" I took a moment, still breathless from earlier my heartbeat gradually slowed and I took one last deep breath before I too leapt down to the ground. "Oh don't look so terrified." He slid off me, jumping down from the tree. "W-what?" He snorted, mischief sparkling in his green eyes. "I know what we can do." I blinked, apprehensive. "Ok." He whispered, kissing me tenderly on the lips before breaking off, resting his forehead on mine. Not yet." I opened my eyes cautiously and saw a flicker of disappointment flit through Crainer's eyes before being replaced with understanding. Eyes closed, I focused on my breathing, making it even out again. "I-I-" With trembling hands I gently took his and pushed them away slightly. "C-C-Crainer." My voice shook as he started undoing the buttons on my shirt. I broke off the kiss, but our faces were barely apart. My vision started to blacken at the edges and everything sounded far away and distant. My heart pounded as I felt Crainer's hands slide over my jacket, slipping it off.

crainer crundee craft house on volcano

I vaguely acknowledged Crainer moving so I was lying down on the bough I was sitting on and he was resting on my chest. I felt my restraint slipping away as I let him, my body trembling slightly as my thoughts fogged over. A nearby bird sung it's heart out while mine pounded in unison with Crainer's the leaves rustled in the breeze and the clouds trotted across the sky above.Ī shudder passed through me as Crainer ran his tongue over my lip, wanting to take the kiss further. I felt the warm winter sunshine on my back and Crainer's hands moving up over my jacket and slipping round my neck, deepening the kiss. "Same here." I leaned down and fitted our lips together, my heart speeding up as I heard Crainer sigh through his nose in bliss. "How I could've lived my whole life without you is beyond me now." Crainer blinked slowly, a slight smile tugging at his mouth. "I'd like that." I sighed, gazing into his mesmerising green eyes. If I get the chance I'll do something like that again to avenge Benny." Crainer looked up at me and smiled. "Remember when we trapped him in that cage and you stole his phone?" I laughed lightly. "Don't worry, we'll get him back somehow." Crainer giggled. "So, he shot a rocket launcher at your face huh?" Crainer growled quietly and I grinned. "I know." I rested my chin on his head, running my fingers slowly through his hair.

crainer crundee craft house on volcano

I held him close to me, smiling as he snuggled into me. I grinned and swept his legs out from underneath him, catching him in my arms as he fell, a yelp of surprise escaping him. "Lemme up will yah?" I smirked and retreated back into the tree Crainer climbed up and stood there in the branches, hanging onto the slim bough above him.

crainer crundee craft house on volcano

"You mean funnier?" He rolled his eyes, smiling now. "I guess so, and you look funny upside down." I grinned. And he shot a freakin rocket launcher at my face." I frowned in concern. I stuck my head out of the tree I was sitting up in, staring at Crainer's unamused face upside down. Also, MrCrainer favourited this book on Twitter! DerpCrundee has received it's seal of approval! XD Sorry if it's late coming and shorter than usual, haven't had ANY time this week :/) I have a romantic side XD Don't worry, no smut dudes, you know me.

Crainer crundee craft house on volcano